Have you ever wondered
why you work very hard yet you don’t get ahead financially? I remember when I
was 18-19 years old that I was hustling and trying to do side jobs and try to
make a living. Try to support my mom, but I could never get ahead financially.
I was desperate for money. I wanted to make more money to be able to provide
for my family, but I could never get ahead. And I realized that there is
something in my belief system back then
that was holding me back. So, you need to stop thinking like this if you ever
want to get ahead financially. If you
ever want to be successful, if you want to be rich.
You see, moneys a very interesting thing. Money doesn’t go to the people who
are desperate for it. It’s not enough to
say, I want to make more money Oh, I want to increase my income I want to pay
off that debt that’s not enough, right? If you want to make more money ,
money earned is a byproduct of value creation. So at the time I wanted to make
more money, but I couldn’t make more money because I wasn’t upgrading my skill sets.
If you wanna make
$1,000,000, solve $1,000,000 problem.
Right? If you want to make $100,000,000,
solve $100,000,000 problem, right? So don’t
chase money. Chase problems.
What are some of the problems in the marketplace
that you could solve? Maybe only you
could solve that you could bring to the
marketplace? You’re unique skills, your
expertise, and your talent you bring it out there, right.
You solve people’s problems. Or you see a need in the marketplace
that’s not being fulfilled. Your
product, your service, your brand that could fulfill that need better than
anybody else. You could also make more
money. It’s not enough just to sit around
and hope that things will change. To hope
that you make more money, to hope that
things will turn around. You need to be proactive about it.
I want you to think
about money as a money tree. And most
people want to have more fruit. They
want to have better fruit, and they look
at that tree, look at the money tree, and
say, I’m not making enough money It’s no different than if they look at the
fruit and say, I don’t like how it tastes Its bitter, its small, its dry,
it doesn’t taste good, it’s not sweet, Right?
And they complain and they act like a victim.
And they don’t like the fruit, but if
you don’t like the fruit looking at the fruit and complaining about it
that’s not gonna solve the problem. What do you need to do?
Call them below. You need to look at
the roots. What is causing this? Moneys
a result, it’s not a cause. It’s an effect.
What’s the cause and effect relationship?
What do you need to do to create and produce better fruit?
You need to nurture the tree. Right? You
need to plant the seed. If you have not even planted the seed how can you
expect to have a fruitful tree? Right?
That produces fruit that you want. You can’t.
What is that seed taking your action? Taking that first initial step.
Upgrading your skill,
learning how to deliver more value. Now,
you may be saying, Well, Dan, how do I do that?
How do I deliver more value to people? I’m
just doing what I’m doing I’m going to school, I just have a dead-end job That’s
the problem. You’re looking at the
fruit, you’re looking at the root, you
look at the fruit, you don’t like the fruit,
and first you gotta change the roots. Right?
You look at most big, tall trees. What
do they have? They have a very good,
strong foundation. They have a very
strong root system. That’s the
foundation piece. That’s something that
you could change. That’s something that
you could work on yourself and get better.
So don’t complain and say, Hey, how come I cannot be rich?
How come other people are rich, and I am not?
How come they are successful and I’m not? Look at the roots.
Work on the roots, if you work on that long enough, and you give yourself a
little bit of time, eventually you will
have fruit that you want.
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